On January 29, 2024, The Mid-South RC&D held their Macon County Celebration Day at the Macon County Commission Office in Tuskegee, Alabama. The event is an opportunity to celebrate the various entities that have received grants from the Mid-South RC&D, which includes the Fort Davis Alabama Historical Society (FDAHS) for the recent exterior painting project and new tin roof project. President Glen Davis and Macon County Commissioner Edward Huffman were there to represent the FDAHS and discuss how the Mid-South RC&D grants have aided us in the Depot restoration project. Over $150,000 in grant aid have been distributed for many various entities of the past few years, and the FDAHS is proud to be one of them. Thank you to the Mid-South RC&D for their support on our project!!
We are delighted to announce that the interior of the depot is currently getting a much needed facelift. Take a look at the pictures of the paint job in progress.
We are proud to announce that just four days after construction began, we have a brand new roof. She's looking better all the time. Thanks to all the hard work of the members and especially to Glen Davis, our President, who has been very instrumental in seeking and obtaining grants for the project. Now on to the next project------interior renovation! If you would like to help with this project, please donate using the drop down menu above. Thanks so much!
Great News! We have been approved for both the Alabama Historical Commission (AHC) grant (a little over $13,000) and the Mid-South RC&D grant ($10,000). These combined amounts will give us enough to complete the new tin roof on the depot and begin interior restoration activities.
What an exciting day! The signal has been installed!
The depot is also undergoing a new paint job at this time. A new roof will be next. It's very exciting to see this progress in restoration! The Fort Davis Alabama Historical Society welcomed fifteen ladies in the Wheels Group today. The Wheels group is a ministry of First Baptist Church, Union Springs, Alabama. Society member, Frankie Kenney (center), shares the history of the Depot with the group as Glen Davis (right), President, distributes brochures of the Depot to the group. A group picture taken by Debbie Vail
Here are a few pictures of some recent work done at the Depot. The new signal pole is primed and painted. Once the signal is transferred over, it will be ready to install on the Depot!!
Debbie Vail is the author of this blog post. Archives
February 2024